French biographical drama co-written and directed by Edouard Deluc. Looking for a fresh start, French artist Paul Gaugin (Vincent Cassel) leaves his family behind in Paris and moves to the island of Tahiti in 1891. Settling in the small village of Mataiera, Gaugin begins creating works inspired by the local surroundings and soon catches the eye of young native girl Tehura (Tuheï Adams). The cast also includes Malik Zidi, Pernille Bergendorff and Marc Barbé. Synopsis 1891. Painter Paul Gauguin is already well-known in Parisian artistic circles, but is tired of the so-called civilised world and its political, moral and artistic conventions. Leaving his wife and children behind, he ventures alone to the other end of the world, Tahiti, consumed by a yearning for original purity and ready to sacrifice everything for his quest. Impoverished and solitary, Gauguin pushes deep into the Tahitian jungle, where he meets the Māoris and Tehura, his muse, who would go on to inspire his most iconic works of art.
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