The next 13 episodes of the American animated series created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko. A sequel to their previous series 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' (2005), the show follows Avatar Korra (voice of Janet Varney) as she learns how to 'bend' the elements of water, earth, fire and air. With this new ability she is tasked with defending her home, the Republic City, from the Equalist uprising led by Amon (Steve Blum), who has the ability to subvert the powers of benders like Korra. The episodes are: 'A Breath of Fresh Air', 'Rebirth', 'The Earth Queen', 'In Harm's Way', 'The Metal Clan', 'Old Wounds', 'Original Airbenders', 'The Terror Within', 'The Stakeout', 'Long Live the Queen', 'The Ultimatum', 'Enter the Void' and 'Venom of the Red Lotus'.
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